
There are 30 results.


AAA4ATM - Analysis of Available Airspace for ATM

The goal of the project is the development of an analysis/forecast system for the prediction of available airspace within the next 6 hours based on the current distribution of convective weather phenomena that are obstructive to air traffic. To solve this issue, computer vision algorithms for object detection, feature extraction, tracking and extrapolation, as well as down/upsampling strategies in meteorological image processing and forecaster intervention are used.


AQUASENSE - Research and Validation of a Prototype for Simultaneous LWC/IWC Detection in Icing Wind Tunnels

Within the AquaSense framework, a method for the simultaneous detection of both the aggregation state and concentration of water in flowing media, specifically for application in high temporal resolution icing wind tunnels, will be investigated for the first time in order to test, optimise and certify aircraft systems under defined icing conditions. A photoacoustic spectroscopy based prototype will be developed and tested under different operating conditions in the RTA Icing Wind Tunnel and the FHJ Icing Wind Tunnel.


Addictive Tooling -Additive Fertigung Innovativer Toolings zur Herstellung Intelligenter Faserverbundbauteile

In Addictive Tooling the consortium will develop a manufacturing process for an undercut FRP hollow structure for the EC135 rotor system and its associated tooling system in additive manufacturing. Therefore, a new designed vacuum assisted infusion technology will be the baseline for further development of intelligent, sensor-optimized toolings and robust processes.


AntiIce - Anti-icing/De-icing Systems to Improve Aircraft Performance and Safety

The aim of the Anti-Ice project was the production of new and innovative materials for aircraft surface coating to prevent icing. Furthermore, micromechanical (piezo) actuators for active ice removal have been developed.


Austrian UcM - Austrian UAS for Civil Missions

In the AustrianUCM exploratory project, the potential of Austrian aviation suppliers, research and development organisations in the international market environment of unmanned aerial vehicles will be analysed, resulting in an Austrian UAS (unmanned aerial systems) research agenda . The focus was on unmanned aircraft for predominantly civilian applications with a maximum take-off weight of less than 150 kg, and underlying national law.



Accessible Air Cabin


DEMONA - Demonstration of UAS Integration for VLL Airspace Operations

Within the DEMONA framework, the integration of an unmanned aerial vehicle into civil airspace and therein used flight guidance, which is based on the Galileo satellite navigation system, will be carried out for the first time in Austria. For this purpose, subsystems for navigation receiver, navigation data fusion, airspace demarcation, data link and collision prevention are to be integrated into a small UAS, and flight testing based on instrument procedures is to be carried out.


DIBMETSAT - Digital Image Processing Supported Meteorology Services for Air Traffic Management

Air traffic controllers face the challenge of dealing with a flood of information. An essential source of information here are images and measurements of current weather conditions. Providing automated, higher-level messages from weather radar and satellite images, combining them and generating new measurements for an improved visibility estimation should provide substantial support.


DIBMETSAT-3D - 3D Based Digital Image Processing for Met-Services for Air Traffic Management

Digital image processing analyses, supplements and extracts information from meteorology and subsequently supports its task with regard to Air Traffic Management (ATM). It is based on the findings of the 2D image analysis in meteorology as these are extended to 3D image processing algorithms. Additionally, this requires that not only the 2D-maximum projected weather radar image series are used as the starting point, but also that the volumetric data in combination with digital terrain models are used as a data source.


DJET - D-JET Concept

The goal of the D-Jet project is to construct a small jet for an emerging market segment with a significantly lower price-performance ratio than earlier business jets, better performance with regard to the cruising speed and the rate of climb, short runway requirements for takeoff and landing, as well as a total registered weight under 2,000 kilograms.


FSA - Future Small Aircraft

The aim of this funded project is to launch a modern and highly efficient "Future Small Aircraft" in the general aviation category, which will reduce operating costs to a minimum and thus meet the growing demand. The end result of this project is a certifiable prototype, which will be developed in a timeframe of around 32 months.


FUSEMET - Multi-Sensor Fusion for Aviation Meteorology Services

The project aim - "big picture of airport weather” - is based on the integration of all sensor data available at an airport with the results of image processing modules in the collateral projects DIBMETSAT and DIBMETSAT-3D. With the help of defined use-cases, both the development and implementation of multi-sensor fusion concepts and the analysis of available data time series are implemented. Both cases achieve added value through the combination and integration of multiple types of information compared to single site measurements.


FUSEMET-APP - AApplication of Multi-Sensor Fusion for Automatic Observation of Aviation Meteorology

FUSEMET APP will focus on optimising present automated weather observation modules, developing new observation technologies, as well as their adaptation to ATM specifications and procedures. The automated aviation weather observation provides significant support to observers in challenging weather conditions and, furthermore, serves as an autonomous weather observation system for low air traffic during the 7x24 operation.


HEAT - Heating Paint Based De-icing System for Drive Components and Aircraft Wings

The aim of the HEAT project was to develop a special heating paint as the basis for a lightweight, simple and flexible de-icing system for aircraft. This de-icing system, which is intended for both anti-icing and de-icing procedures, is intended to increase the safety of the aircraft through high damage tolerance and, at the same time, to be particularly energy-saving due to the lower system weight and efficient energy conversion.


HEMEP - Hybrid Electric Multi Engine Plane

The consortium partners in the HEMEP project aim to play a pioneering role in the field of aviation in electric propulsion systems, and thus enable the participating companies to become technology leaders for the future. The multi-engine aircraft with a hybrid electric propulsion system project will serve to further develop the basics of calculation methods in different areas for electric flying.


IMAC PRO - Industrialized Manufacturing of CFRP Profiles

The technological objective of IMac-Pro is the development of a complete integrated process chain for the cost effective serial production of optimised CFRP stiffener profiles (e.g. frames, stringer, struts, floor beams, drive shafts,…) for all kinds of aircrafts (passenger planes, helicopters, fighters) based on textile technologies in combination with advanced injection and curing technologies.


Ice Grid - Investigation of Ice Formation on Protection Grids in Aircraft Air-Conditioning Systems

The IceGrid project examined protection grids in the air conditioning systems of passenger aircraft and at the interface to mobile climate modules on the ground for icing and de-icing. The methods used included both experimental testing in the icing wind tunnel and numerical simulations.


IceDrip - Aircraft Anti-icing and De-icing through Assemblies of Conducting Varnish and Functional Coatings

In the project IceDrip the rather promising concept of a discontinuous, electro-thermal de-icer is being investigated. The main aim of the present project is to significantly increase the already existing energetic advantages of the discontinuous de-icer by means of surface-active coatings, in order to achieve a performance range which would make the system suitable for general aviation aircraft, as well as smaller aircraft, which are equipped as large aircraft.


MET4LOWW - MET Potentials for Arrival and Departure Management

The objective of the MET4LOWW project is to derive ATM procedures for integrating partly probabilistic wind and weather information into arrival and departure management. Wind-fields and weather-objects are implemented in University of Salzburg’s ATM/ATC simulator, and associated avoidance and adaption strategies are developed. Various traffic and weather scenarios are analysed using fast-time-simulation and evaluated based on ATM performance figures for safety, capacity, cost-efficiency and environment. Based on these results the optimal ATM-procedures and meteorological information will be derived, e.g. time-based separation. The resulting potential improvements for arrival and departure management are validated by real-time simulation.


MIXVAL - Mixer Simulation and Validation

In passenger aircraft, the mixing and distribution of humid airflow from the cabin and engines into the cockpit and passenger cabin, as well as electronic components, takes place at a central location of the air conditioning system, the mixer. So far, the flow and heat transfer processes and the ice formation and accretion cannot be calculated with sufficient accuracy. Therefore, the aim of this project is to develop a method for simulating the physical processes in the mixer.