International aviation strategies
Aviation is a global issue and as such must be viewed globally. Thus, strategy papers of international states are essential. On this page you will find numerous international strategy papers which were considered in the context of the preparation of the Austrian strategy. They cover the aviation sector as well as related topics such as strategies of the mobility or energy sector.
- Plano estratégico 2020-2026 (pdf)
- Brazil's Action Plan on CO2 Emissions Reduction from Aviation (3rd Edition) (pdf)
- Outline of Action for Building a Strong Civil Aviation State in the New Era (新时代民航强国建设行动纲要)
- China's Action Plan to limit and reduce CO2 Emisisons from international aviation (pdf)
- Die Luftfahrtstrategie der Bundesregierung
- Technologiestrategie der deutschen Luftfahrtindustrie (pdf)
- Zero Emission Aviation- Emissionsfreie Luftfahrt - White Paper der Deutschen Luftfahrtforschung (pdf)
- Bayrische Luftfahrtstrategie 2030 (pdf)
- Aktionsplan "Unbemannte Luftfahrtsysteme und innovative Luftfahrtkonzepte" (pdf)
- Technologiestrategie der deutschen Luftfahrtindustrie (Aktualisierte und erweiterte Ausgabe 2020)
- The French ATM Strategy (pdf)
- Roadmap for the development of sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) (pdf)
- National strategy for the development of decarbonised and renewable hydrogen in France (pdf)
- An Industry Proposal for the Italian National Airspace Strategy (pdf)
- Piano di Azione Triennale 2021-2023 Executive Summary (Roadmap) (pdf)
- VIAGGIARE in Italia - Piano straordinario per la mobilità turistica (pdf)
- Connettere l'Italia - Strategie per le infrastrutture di trasporto e logistica (pdf)
- Strategia nazionale di specializzazione intelligente
- Roadmap for Establishing Supply Chain für Next-Generation Aviation Fuels (pdf)
- Japan's Action Plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from aviation (pdf)
- Roadmap towards Air Mobility Revolution (pdf)
- Transportation 2030: A Strategic Plan for the Future of Transportation in Canada
- Transport Canada's Drone Strategy to 2025
- Aerospace Innovation White Paper: Innovation Agenda Submission
- Sustainable Aviation Fuels: A Canadian Perspective (pdf)
- Strategic Plan 2015-2019
- Airspace Strategy for Poland (pdf)
- The Transport Development Strategy 2020 (with a 2030 view)
- Polskiej Strategii Wodorowej (Polnische Wasserstoffstrategie)
- Fahrplan für einen wettbewerbsfähigen Strom ohne fossile Brennstoffe - Luftfahrtindustrie (färdplan för fossilfrikonkurrenskraft – flygbranschen)
- Fossil-Free Aviation 2045 (pdf)
- Fact sheet - A Swedish aviation strategy (pdf)
- ICAO State Action Plan on CO2 Emissions Reduction Activities in Sweden (pdf)
- Strategy for fossil free competitiveness (Hydrogen) (pdf)
- NACIONALNEM PROGRAMU RAZVOJA CIVILNEGA LETALSTVA REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE DO LETA 2020 (Nationales Programm zur Entwicklung der Zivilluftfahrt in der Republik Slowenien 2020)
- Transport Development Strategy of the Republic of Slovenia Until 2030
- Plan estrategico para el desarrollo del sector civil de los drones en espana 2018-2021 (Strategischer Plan zur zivilen Nutzung von Drohnen in Spanien 2018-2021) (pdf)
- Libro blanco del I+D+i para la sostenibilidad de la aviacion en Espana (White paper F&E&I für eine nachhaltige Luftfahrt in Spanien) (pdf)
- Estrategia de Movilidad. Segura. Sostenible. Conectada. 2030
- Sustainable Aviation Fuels Roadmap (pdf)
- General Aviation Roadmap
- Destination Zero - Aerospace Technology Strategy
- Aviation 2050. The future of UK aviation (pdf)
- Industrial Strategy (pdf)
- Decarbonisation Road-Map: A Path to net zero (pdf)
- What's Next for Aerospace and Defense
- NextGen Implementation Plan
- Aviation Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Plan
- National Aviation Research Plan (NARP)2020-2025 (pdf)
- Federal Alternative Jet Fules Research and Development Strategy (pdf)
- FAA Strategic Plan FY 2019-2022 (pdf)
- National Strategy for Aviation Security