There are 30 results.
MoVeTech - Model-Based Processing Technique for the Manufacturing of High-Quality Structural FRP Components for the Aerospace Industry
It is within the MoVeTech project that the concept of model-based processing technology was first implemented in the ARTM (Advanced Resin Transfer Moulding) process. This concept is based on the idea of combining phenomenologically based know-how about relevant mechanisms (heat conduction and transfer on moulds and composites, flow processes during mould filling or curing kinetics of reactive resins) in the form of mathematical models, and making them available at the level of process management - while adhering to real-time requirements.
OMOSA - Open Modular/Open Source Avionics Architecture for Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems
OMOSA is researching the system architectures of avionics for small unmanned aerial vehicles, following the Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA) approach. By using commercial, modular hardware and open source software, aircraft electronics are to be developed. These can be used for flight control, as a navigation system, and as a C2 link. For this purpose, aircraft antennas integrated into the fuselage will also be included. The project results will be validated via a measurement campaign using a rotorcraft.
PROB4LOWW - Probabilistic MET Information for Capacity Optimisation in Arrival and Departure Management
In the proposed exploratory project, a concept for the integration of probabilistic meteorological information in arrival and departure management for capacity optimisation shall be devised. Flight planning and operation guidelines as well as detailed simulations of air traffic will be used to obtained a cost-loss ratio, which provides the basis to determine the optimal probability thresholds required to set arrival and departure rates at the occurrence of individual weather events.
SARISTU - Smart Intelligent Aircraft Structures
The concept of Smart Intelligent Aircraft Structures offers significant improvements in aircraft total weight, manufacturing cost and, above all, operational cost by an integration of system tasks into the load carrying structure. The project focuses on integration activities in the three distinct technological areas airfoil morphing, self-sensing and multifunctional structures through self-healing and the use of nanoreinforced resins.
SPARTA - Frame production in the RTM process for aviation applications
The project SPARTA tooling comprises the development of a cost- and energy efficient, automated resin transfer molding production process for aerospace fuselage frames. The big benefit of the process is the possibility for automation, shown in automation developments, and the outlook to high volume production feasibility.
TWID - Heating-Paint Sensor Based Wing Ice Detector
In the scope of the TWID project, a method for reliable detection of ice on wing surfaces and other relevant structures on an aircraft is to be developed, examined and validated in the course of various tests on the small-scale and full-scale models in the icing wind tunnel. Ice detection combined with the de-icing method, which is already in development, results in a completely self-sufficient de-icing system, which independently identifies and reliably removes ice on the wings.
VertSLD - Prospecting for the Construction of a Vertical Icing Wind Tunnel for Experimental Simulation of Icing by Supercooled Large Droplets
The exploratory project VertSLD investigates both the physical feasibility and economic viability of an icing wind tunnel concept which avoids many of the difficulties that arise in existing icing wind tunnels when the size of the water droplets exceeds a few hundred microns. in this new concept the "flight path" of the drops within which they are supercooled is arranged vertically and not horizontally.
eSAFE - Emergency Safe Return for CS23 Aircraft
The aim of the project is the development of an automatic emergency flight guidance, including emergency landing for the EASA CS23 category aircraft. In case of sudden in-flight pilot incapacitation or technical problems, after activating the emergency button on board, an airfield with an approach route taking into account dynamic air traffic and weather data should be determined.
eWING_DE-ICER - Development of an Energy-Efficient Electrothermal De-icing System for Wing Leading Edges in Aviation
Within the scope of the eWING_DE-ICER project, a method for developing energy-optimised de-icing systems for wing leading edges, based on a thermoelectric heating system, is to be developed. In addition to the development of forecasting models for the optimal design of all components involved, different prototypes are to be set up as in the model, as well as in full-scale, and tested in various icing wind tunnels.
Reduction of CO2 emissions by using alternative fuels in a Wankel aircraft engine with E-Booster