EU RTI Committees

Representation of Austrian interests in preparatory committees for EU funding programs (Clean Aviation, Horizon Europe, SESAR, EASA etc.).

The BMK represents Austrian aviation interests in numerous committees and platforms and works in strategic partnerships with various stakeholders in the aviation industry and aviation research. This includes actors from the public sector, the national aviation community, research and technology platforms and interest groups.

The specific activities in working groups and as National Access Points include

  • Participation in ACARE Working Groups
  • EASA Research Focal Point
  • National contact point for topics in H2020 and Horizon Europe

Public entities

Austro Control

Austro Control is one of the leading air traffic management organizations in Europe. Every day, up to 4,000 controlled aircraft operate in Austria's airspace. With around 1,000 employees, Austro Control ensures safe, punctual, economical and environmentally friendly air traffic. This is done 365 days a year, around the clock - with over one million aircraft movements in Austrian airspace every year.

Austro Control is a privately established company (GmbH) owned by the Republic of Austria, which emerged from the Federal Office of Civil Aviation (spin-off on 01.01.1994). Since December 2006, Austro Control has been certified according to the rules of Single European Sky and is therefore authorized to provide air navigation services within the entire EU.

(© Austro Control)

BMK - Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology

The Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) is responsible for application-oriented research funding in the aviation sector.

In close cooperation with stakeholders from research and industry, the BMK has developed the RTI strategy for the Austrian aviation sector and supports the Austrian aviation sector through Take Off, the flagship program for aviation.

In addition, the BMK plays a networking role by offering stakeholders from the aviation sector opportunities for mutual exchange through accompanying information and networking events, such as the Aviation Forum Austria.

(© BMK, 2019)

FFG - Austrian Research Promotion Agency

The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) is the national funding institution for business-related research and development in Austria.

FFG funding makes a significant contribution to generating new knowledge, developing new products and services and thus being more competitive on the global market. They facilitate or enable the financing of research and innovation projects and thus help to mitigate the research risk. The FFG supports international networking and promotes scientific careers.

The FFG is owned by the Republic of Austria.

(© FFG, 2019)

Interest groups

AAI - Austrian Aeronautics Industries Group

The Austrian Aeronautics Industries Group (AAI), founded as a non-profit organisation in January 1999 and privately financed via membership fees, is the national association of the Austrian Aeronautics/Supply/Industry.

AAI represents – on national and international matters – the common interests of its about 30 members: Austrian companies and organisations with business or research activities in the Aeronautics/Supply/Industry as well as in the sector of Aircraft Maintenance & Service.
AAI organises joint information exchange as well as marketing and networking activities of its members towards national bodies in Austria and the international aeronautics industry.

Furthermore, AAI and its member companies are also members of ASD (Aerospace & Defence Industries Association of Europe), and therefore fully integrated into the respective European information and decision-making processes. Many members of AAI are engaged in manifold commissions and groups of ASD.

(© AAI)

AICAT - Industrial Cooperation & Aviation Technology

AICAT sees itself as a "one-stop-shop" within the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber on the subject of industrial cooperation in the field of aviation technology.

Its purpose is to bundle the interests of the Austrian economy in industrial cooperation and in the field of aviation, aviation supply and aviation infrastructure companies and thus to pursue the following goals

  • to identify synergy and cooperation potential,
  • to strengthen competitiveness,
  • to position Austria as a location for qualified system supply
  • to advocate increased representation of interests and
  • to promote exports by providing assistance in establishing international contacts in prior coordination with the relevant economic chamber organizations, in particular with the foreign trade organization of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber


Advantage Austria

Advantage Austria is the Austrian internationalization and innovation agency - the driving force and companion for all international activities of domestic companies. As part of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKO), it supports domestic companies with its global international and innovation network in all international activities.

(© WKO, 2019)

Research and technology platforms

ACARE - Advisory Council for Aeronautics Research and Innovation in Europe

ACARE is the Advisory Council for Aviation Research and Innovation in Europe and provides a network for strategic research in aviation and air transport to ensure that aviation meets the needs of society and that Europe secures a global leadership role in this important sector.

ACARE has been in existence since 2001 and is composed of European public and private stakeholders working together with a common goal to develop ambitious improvements for aviation and air transport in Europe.


The European Aeronautics Science Network (EASN)

The European Aeronautics Science Network (EASN) is an open association networking academia in aviation and space research with the aim to:

  • Structure Europe-wide academia thematically and regionally,
  • Create conditions for facilitating academic upstream research at national, European and international levels,
  • Support academia to respond to its key role within the European aerospace research community in incubating new knowledge and breakthrough technologies and
  • Disseminate knowledge, new technologies and innovation.

Currently EASN counts ~300 members, affiliated to almost all significant universities active in the European aerospace ecosystem. They represent all European countries.

(© EASN)

EREA - European Research Establishments in Aeronauticsist

EREA EREA - European Research Establishments in Aeronauticsist is a non-profit association with the objectives:

  • to promote and represent the joint interests of its members;
  • to intensify the co-operation between its members, aimed at further integration of their activities in the field of civil, military and space-related aeronautics;
  • to improve and intensify the co-operation of EREA and its members with third parties in the field of aeronautics;
  • to facilitate the ultimate goal of the Members of an integrated management of joint activities, thereby contributing to Europe's role as a global player in aeronautics.

 (© EASN)

IFAR - International Forum for Aviation Research

IFAR, the International Forum for Aviation Research, is an aviation research establishment network. IFAR is established on a voluntary, non- binding basis. IFAR aims to connect research organisations worldwide, to enable the information exchange and communication on aviation research activities and to develop among its members a shared understanding on challenges faced by the global aviation research community.

(© IFAR)