Aviation Forum Austria 2024

24. October 2024
BMK, Radetzkystraße 2, 1030 Vienna, AT

The Aviation Forum Austria is dedicated to the future of research and innovation in aviation, both nationally and internationally. Decision-makers, experts, and professionals from the aviation industry will discuss and reflect on current trends and innovations in aviation, as well as the future needs for research and development, and the resulting potential for collaboration.


  • Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK)
  • Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
  • Austrian Economic Chamber (WKÖ)
  • Aviation Industry Austria (AIA)

Content Description

Österreichisches Umweltzeichen - Green EventsThe aim is to organize the event in accordance with the criteria of the Austrian Ecolabel for Green Events.

Additional information will be provided soon!

Furthermore, companies and research institutions related to aviation technology will once again have the opportunity to present their products and services as part of a technology exhibition. 

More detailed information (e.g. how to register, etc.) will follow.

Target Audience

Representatives from companies in the aviation (supplier) industry as well as the air transport sector (airports, airlines, air traffic service providers, ...), aviation-related organizations and initiatives, academic and non-academic research institutions, as well as stakeholders of societal challenges.

Participant Information

The streaming link will be available here soon.

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