Aviation Research: Stakeholder Feedback for AREANA

As part of Work Package 1 of the European AREANA project, conducted in close collaboration with the ECARE project, we are developing solutions to optimize collaboration in aviation research at European, national, and regional levels. To gather your valuable input on our proposed approaches, we kindly ask you to complete the attached questionnaire and submit it to luftfahrt@ffg.at no later than December 7, 2024.

The AREANA project (Aviation Research Ecosystem Advanced Novel Approach) has officially commenced on January 1st 2024. It addresses the call for "Aviation research synergies between Horizon Europe, AZEA and National programs" by providing advanced novel approaches to foster the European aviation research ecosystem.


Please fill out the following questionnaire and submit it by December 7, 2024, to:

E-Mail: luftfahrt@ffg.at