7. - 9. May 2025
EXPO XXI WARSAW, Warsaw, Poland

This is a leading event in aviation research and innovation. A 3-day scientific and business conference for approximately 1,000 participants commissioned by European Commission. The conference is organized as part of the Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union.


Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Aviation


Content Description

The conference is intended to:

  • Promote the Aviation Sector within the EU and globally,
  • Define Common Areas of Industrial activity in Europe and ensuring synergies between ongoing research and development projects,
  • Facilitate Knowledge Exchange and Foster sharing information among stakeholders and creating opportunities for new strategic alliances and consortiums,
  • Strengthen the Potential and Capabilities of SMEs,
  • Support Policy Coordination to bolster research, development, innovation and climate within the aviation sector.


Day 1

  • 8:00 - 11:00 Registration of Exhibitors
  • 9:00 - 11:00 Registration of Participants
  • 11:00 Official opening and welcome adresses
  • 12:00 Plenary session 1:
    Trends and challenges in aviation - looking into the future.
  • 13:30 Lunch
  • 14:30 Plenary session 2:
    A new European aviation agenda for future aviation research.
  • 16:00 Break
  • 16:30
    • Parallel Session 1:
      Technology roadmaps - presentation of future sector development path.
    • Parallel Session 2:
      Synergies at national, regional and EU level.
    • Parallel Session 3:
      Technology infrastructures - an aviation pilot and next steps.
    • Parallel Session 4:
      Boosting research and innovation and green agenda in the regulatory environment.
  • 17:30 - 19:30 Matchmaking + Networking + Cocktail

Day 2

  • 8:00 Registration of Exhibitors and Participants
  • 9:30 Plenary session 3:
    Fly the green deal: Technological and Implementation challenges.
  • 11:00 Break
  • 11:30
    • Parallel Session 5:
      Innovative technologies for green aviation.
    • Parallel Session 6:
      Circularity in Aviation.
    • Parallel Session 7:
      Operation blue sky.
    • Parallel Session 8:
      From research to implementation: the Alliance for zero-emission aviation - making electric and hydrogen flights a reality.
  • 12:30 Lunch
  • 13:30 Plenary session 4:
    Digitalisation. Artificial Intelligence. Autonomy.
  • 14:30 Break
  • 15:00 Parallel Session 9:
    Roadshow of succesful R&D projects in aviation (part I).
  • 16:00 Break
  • 16:30 - 17:30 Parallel Session 10:
    Roadshow of succesful R&D projects in aviation (part II).

Day 3

  • 8:00 Registration of Exhibitors and Participants
  • 9:30
    • Plenary session 5:
      How to build a solid aviation research and innovation ecosystem?
      How to ensure that the supply in skills and disruptive innov will meet the demand?
    • Parallel Session 11:
      Education - how to attract new students and new engineers.
      How to build social acceptance around innovations in aviation.
    • Parallel Session 12:
      Eastern European Cooperation in aviation.
    • Parallel Session 13:
      Young researchers session.
  • 12:00 Break
  • 12:30 Plenary Session 6:
    How to work in the highly competitive global environment - opportunities and challenges.
  • 13:30 Plenary session 7:
    Closing session - Takeaways and next steps.
  • 14:00 - 15:00 Lunch


Participant Information


Registration for the event.

For Exhibitors

Showcase Your Innovations at Aerodays 2025!

Join as an exhibitor at Aerodays 2025, Europe's premier aviation research event. This is your opportunity to present your groundbreaking technologies and solutions to a diverse audience of industry leaders, policymakers, researchers, and media representatives.

As an exhibitor, you will:

  • Display Your Expertise:
    Showcase your products, services, and innovations to decision-makers shaping the future of aviation.
  • Connect with Key Stakeholders:
    Build valuable partnerships with professionals across industry, academia, and government.
  • Gain Visibility:
    Position your organization at the forefront of sustainable and competitive aviation solutions.

If you would like to secure an exhibition stand or discuss bespoke opportunities, please don't hesitate to reach out. The team is ready to work with you to tailor a solution that maximizes your impact and aligns with your goals.

Don't miss this chance to stand out at Europe's leading aviation research event.
Contact aerodays2025 today to reserve your spot! See contact information below.


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