Eco-Mobility 2024: Sustainable Energy Carriers and Innovative Propulsion Systems in a Circular Economy

14. and 15. November 2024
Palais Pálffy, Josefsplatz 6, 1010 Vienna, AT

Future Mobility is driven by mutal dependencies – especially Propulsion Systems and their corresponding Energy Sources. Different regions require different approaches and solutions depending on which energy carrier is available, addressing two essential aspects: Climate Compatibility and Affordability. Mayor Challenges of Future Mobility will be issued by Eco-Mobility 2024.


A3PS - Austrian Association for Advanced Propulsion Systems


Content Description

Eco-Mobility is a two-day show on competences and up-to-date developments. Representatives of OEMs and suppliers, of energy providers and R&D institutions as well as public and funding authorities report on activites and strategies in the respective field and the Austrian automotive sector is represented by the A3PS members. 

The conference is organized in 4 sessions: 

  1. Sustainable Energy Carriers
  2. Circular Economy
  3. Advcance Propulsion Systems
  4. Environmental Impact


  • Climate change – urgent necessity to act now
  • Availability of Energy (sources)
  • Reuse and Recyclability of vehicles and components
  • Availability of raw materials
  • Affordability of mobility
  • Emissions – both exhaust and non-exhaust emissions

Conference Committee:

  • Dr. Michael Nöst, IESTA, Conference Chair
  • Prof. Peter Prenninger, AVL, Chairman of A3PS Board
  • Dr. Andreas Dorda, BMK
  • Prof. Bernhard Brandstätter, Virtual Vehicle
  • Dr. Christian Chimani, AIT
  • Dr. Damian Cupid, AIT
  • DI Christian Sandner, Miba
  • Prof. Thomas Lauer, Technische Universität Wien
  • Prof. Werner Sitte, Montanuniversität Leoben
  • Ass.Prof. Alexander Trattner, HyCentA, Technische Universität Graz
  • Dr. Barbara Unterauer, Magna
  • Mag. Anton Werkgartner, Magna

Participant Information

Call for Posters

The Poster Session is a great opportunity especially for young scientists to present their research on advanced propulsion systems and sustainable energy carriers to an interested and specialist audience. 

Send your abstracts to until September 30th, 2024.

Abstract Guidelines

Travel Note

Palais Pálffy, Josefsplatz 6, 1010 Vienna can easily be reached by public transport via U1 and U3 metro. We would like to encourage you to come via public transport or bike, because we aim for high sustainability standards in our event organization.

Contact Address

A3PS - Austrian Association for Advanced Propulsion Systems
Webgasse 9/2/3
A-1060 Vienna
Dr. Astrid Wolfbeisser