European Research and Innovation for European SAF Policy

30. November 2023, 10:00 (GMT+01:00)
Centre Albert Borschette, Brussels and Online

This event aims at supporting the deployment of Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) production and the research towards their commercialisation in Europe. The event will be based on the objectives of bringing together research project and investment opportunities, complementing the work done in the Renewable Fuels Alliance (RLCF), and supporting new feedstocks and production pathways.


DG Research & Innovation

Content Description

With the adoption of ReFuelEU Aviation, a clear signal is sent to the industry to ramp up the production of SAF. At this event, industrial partners of Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe funded projects will present on the potential of the technologies for future deployment. The industrial insights will be complemented by financial and business opportunities beyond the Horizon Europe, underpinning the market uptake of technologies.

The programme includes different presentations from the aviation industry as well as, EU financing instruments, including the Innovation Fund, European Innovation Council, European Investment Bank, the InvestEU Programme, and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

DG Research & Innovation has a great potential to boost the development of alternative fuels and to reduce the energy consumption in transport and industry.


Participant Information

Registration is required prior to the event. Streaming sessions will be accessible once logged in.

Due to space constraints, the European Commission reserves the right to limit the number of participants.

Contact Address

Centre Albert Borschette (CCAB)
Room 3.B.
Rue Froissart 36
BEL-1040 Etterbeek