M-ERA.NET is an EU-funded network in materials science & technology & innovation, which is running annual joint transnational calls since 2012. More and more funding organisations have jointed M-ERA.NET throughout the years, leading to a growth from 37 partners from 25 countries to by now 49 partners from 35 countries.

M-ERA.NET Joint Call 2024

Funding is offered to innovative projects focusing on

  • Sustainable advanced materials for energy
  • Innovative surfaces, coatings and interfaces
  • High performance composites
  • Functional materials
  • Materials addressing environmental challenges
  • Next generation materials for advanced electronics

Detailed description of the topical fields and the application procedure is given in the Guide for Proposers.

Call 2024 Schedule

  • Call launch: 5 March 2024
  • Pre-proposal submission deadline: 14 May 2024
  • Full proposal submission deadline: 20 November 2024
  • Start of funded projects: March-September 2024

Key Data

  • Detailed information about call can be found at www.m-era.net/joint-calls/joint-call-2024
  • All applicants are requested to contact their national/regional funding organisations to confirm national/regional funding rules. Contact persons are listed in the Guide for Proposers

Strategic Impact

M-ERA.NET will enable collaboration between leading academic and industrial research partners from European and non-European countries and regions and will facilitate access to previously inaccessible new markets. 

The joint calls will mobilise a critical mass of public funding to support key players in materials research to intensify their partnerships and to encourage newcomers to realise innovative RTD (Research and Technological Development) projects.

This increased interdisciplinary cooperation and exploitation of European and international roadmaps will create a new dynamism in the field of materials research and innovation whilst stimulating the generation of leading knowledge along the innovation chain.